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Hideyuki Howard Miyahara
Essay- Subject Choice #1
April 21, 2012

Although I am just one person, Rhio has made me see that one person can and do make a difference.  Rhio made sure that mesothelioma did not define him, just as I hope idleness and indifference will not define me.  I want to change the world by being active and pursue my goals of becoming a Certified Public Accountant.  As a Certified Public Accountant, I would be able to help local businesses build a better foundation, breed a positive economic/ work environment, and create jobs.  My objective is to make a difference in creating and establishing growth within a community.  My long-term objective is to be able to help my community thrive.  

What Rhio had accomplished in a short amount of time, is nothing short of amazing.  His determination in learning about, understanding, and then fighting mesothelioma for all those inflicted with cancer, made me realize the extraordinary qualities he possessed.  If I was given a dire cancer prognosis, I would have most likely let mesothelioma define me as another cancer patient.  I would be stricken with grief and would be unable to see myself taking any positive steps if given a dire prognosis.  In other words, I would struggle to figure out what to do and what steps to take.  Unlike Rhio, I would find myself lost because I would not know where to turn to at this time, except on the advice of family and medical professionals.  Not knowing what their advice would be, I would not be able to know what to do if I was diagnosed with cancer at this time.  Any decisions I make, would be a decision made between me and my family.      

Should I be stricken with cancer, research would be a way in which cancer will not define me.  If I could conduct cancer research, I would feel invigorated that my efforts would help present and future patients battle cancer.  If I could conduct research, I would initially find innovative ways of getting optimal palliative care- the idea of easing the pain and suffering of patients going through chemotherapy- with the intention and possibility that every cancer patient will survive after chemotherapy with no pain and a return to their quality of life before chemotherapy.  I would also look towards different forms of medicine, such as holistic and alternative medicine, to keep the spirits of patients up, and assist in making their lives as painless and positive as possible.  If chemotherapy can be made as painless as possible, this will enable many patients to get through chemotherapy effectively- in hopes that all patients with cancer will have their cancer go into remission.  This will enable the medical community to “buy time” in finding cures for different forms of cancer, such as mesothelioma.  Many advances are being made, but I would encourage much more research be done aggressively.  In other words, we cannot afford to lose time when so many patients with limited time depend on researchers, medical professionals, and scientists.    

In regards to making informed decisions, I would look towards family closest to me to make any important decisions in regards to my condition.  My family would have my best interest at heart, as I consider their opinions and their intentions highly.  I consider my family as just as much in this situation as I am.  This is why I would look towards them to help me make my decision.  I would then look towards the medical professionals (such as doctors and nurse practitioners) to provide me with information regarding my condition, such as my prognosis and treatment.             

Rhio's determination has inspired me to learn, understand, and work towards my goals.  As an aspiring Certified Public Accountant, I hope to revive our present economy, which has impacted so many lives.  All too often, I hear of Americans starving because they cannot afford to buy food.  Or that an increasing number of Americans are heading towards poverty, because they are unemployed and cannot make ends meet.  My goal is to eradicate poverty by learning why we are in poverty in the first place, then understanding who the people are in poverty.  Then, I plan to work towards establishing short-term goals in getting people out of poverty and hunger.  I believe that no person should become poor and no person should ever go hungry.  My dream is to live in a society that is free, equal, and provide people the basic necessities to live (such as food and shelter).  Inspired by Rhio's determination, I look to advocate for the people left out.

This scholarship is important to me because of what it represents.  This scholarship means a great deal to me, because it represents the spirit of James Rhio O'Connor.  After reading the story of James Rhio O'Connor, his qualities, such as selflessness and his optimism, resonated towards what I hope to accomplish as a professional, and most of all, as a person.  I aspire to be able to touch as many lives in a meaningful and significant way that Rhio did and still does in spirit.         

If given the opportunity to face the challenges that Rhio faced, I hope to carry on the optimism, the strength, and the enduring spirit of Rhio O'Connor.  After reading Rhio's story, it inspired me to realize that one person can and did make a difference.  Although I did not know Rhio before reading his story, his story spoke volumes in making me understand the strength of the human spirit.  I look towards Rhio's story as an inspiration because he fought for himself and for those around him, motivating himself and others to never give up.  Although he was unable to defeat his cancer in the end, his unyielding fight to defeat this deadly disease until his death made me realize to not give up in making a difference against all odds.  

He has also helped me to see that strong dedication and commitment makes a positive difference in the world.  His drive and dedication has inspired me to dedicate myself in making a positive difference in some way.  I have been driven and dedicated.  But, as opposed to Rhio, my drive and dedication was not and will never be as profound as Rhio's sacrifice.  I hope to channel my drive and dedication in a meaningful and significant way, in being able to touch and make an impact on the lives of many as a Certified Public Accountant.  I have come to realize my direction, as Rhio did when he strove to find remedies to his cancer, mesothelioma, “an aggressive cancer caused primarily by the inhalation of asbestos fibers.  [A] disease [that] attacks the mesothelium, a protective, two-layered membrane that covers the internal organs of the body including the lungs, heart and abdominal organs” (

Although Rhio lost his battle to mesothelioma, he was able to accomplish a great deal while he still had the opportunity.  From 'establishing therapeutic protocol' to 'outliving his prognosis by more than 6 years,' Rhio shows a strong will to live, in person and in spirit.  He also made a significant contribution in prolonging the lives and improving the quality of care for patients with cancer.  His commitment of what he wanted to do and accomplished in a short period of time, is what inspires me to be driven and dedicated in making my own significant, positive contributions to the community around me.